Benefits of Selling Your Home In the Winter

Most wouldn’t consider – or even think about – “selling a house in winter”. It’s too cold.
There aren’t many people buying. Plus, who wants to move in the middle of the year? Exactly.
But surprisingly, winter has the potential to be a great time to sell your home. Selling your home in the winter is underestimated. Let us explain how you could benefit from selling your home in the winter months.

1. Buyers Are Serious and Motivated In Winter
The winter months filter out those wishy-washy-view-only prospects. You know those people. They might be interested, but they really aren’t sure. They don’t know what they want, so they’re just “looking,” You don’t get these people in the winter months.
Buyers in the winter months are serious, motivated, and ready to buy. Often, it’s because they have to. Maybe their current living situation abruptly changed or they had to move for a new job – whatever the case may be, they mean business. Their hunt for a new home is frequently urgent. They also may be pining after those tax breaks before the year ends.

2. January is Huge for Job Relocation
With the year-end comes a huge amount of people relocating for new jobs or positions. Consequently, they will need somewhere to live. Your home could be that place! Again, it comes back to more serious and motivated buyers. They need a place to live and are likely in some kind of temporary hotel room or housing until they find a place – which can be rough. They want to find a new home. And they likely want to find it as soon as possible.

3. Some Houses Show Better in the Winter
It’s true! If you aren’t great at keeping up with the summer maintenance of your yard, selling in the winter might be for you. 

Make your home look as cozy as possible. Show off how well it functions and how well it insulates during those cooler winter months. This will be a big bonus and big draw for potential buyers.

4. You’ll Get Closer to Your Asking Price
Again, these buyers are more serious and are more urgent – which increases your chances of getting closer to your asking price. There aren’t that many options out there. The market inventory is much less. People can’t take as many risks when putting in an offer. And you’re more likely to actually get an offer on your home – whereas, during the competitive summer months, you could go the whole season without a single offer. Not ideal.

5. Fewer Homes on the Market = Less Competition
There are fewer people selling homes in the winter. Most people prime their homes and get ready to sell in the summer. And in the summer, the market is saturated. Potential buyers have possibly 30 plus homes to choose from. Yet, in the winter months, they might have only 5. Fewer options mean you have less competition. In fact, the inventory of homes falls almost 20% in some places during the fall to winter transition. It bumps up your chances of selling (And again, you’re more likely to get that price you want for your house).

6. You’ll Be Your Real Estate Agent’s Top Priority
In the summer months, your real estate agent might be stretched thin. Maybe it’s tough getting an appointment or perhaps you just don’t feel like your home is getting enough attention. This isn’t a problem in the winter.
Winter is technically their slow season. Real estate agents are looking for homes to sell. This means they’ll want to sell yours in the winter. Come summer, they’ll be loaded down with a bunch of clients. Right now, you’re their top priority. You’ll get more attention – meaning your home will be listed in all the right places. And it will definitely be showcased the best and right way.